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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  December 13, 2010 12:00pm-1:00pm CST

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and storms are pounding indiana. for some drivers, it has been hours stranded on the road. good afternoon. and we welcome our viewers watching us around the country on wgn america and on the web. julian crews is in indiana with a update on the driving conditions. goodness, it has gotten worse. >> it has. >> reporter: this is the receiving end of the system.
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this is where it makes landfall on the southern tip of lake michigan. the winds and the snow blasting in. there have been wind gusts at 60 miles an hour reported here. a tremendous system that has blown into northwest indiana, the lake effect snow bringing travel to a crawl. this has been hit hard by the winds. drivers were stranded up to 10 hours on route 30 waiting for plows to pull them out of the drifts. people have been urged to stay home if at all possible. for those unable to miss a day of work it is slow and treacherous on the roadways. >> it is real slow. you hit on the gas and you win around a bit. take it easy out there. >> we saw in the ditch, a lot t
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was bat. if i can make it there and home again without the car getting tore up i will be happy. >> people keeping their sense of humor in spite of this weather that's just blasting into northwest indiana this wind, the wind off the lake and the moisture having a terrible effect on travel, wind and the cross roads so much traffic that comes through and down to a crawl in the area. if you can avoid coming through this part of the country at all, it will be best to take a detour or wait another day before you make the trip out here. >> thank you. be careful on the way back here to chicago. and tom skillis hard at work. we'll get a update on the cold. flights have not left the
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ground at the airports. and the storm forced the cancellations of 1600 flights but this morning there were only 75 new cancellations at o'hare. over at midway there are only 5. and there are no delays at either airport now. icy conditions may have caused them to crash and it veered off the road and slammed into the windows of willow grove. and the school should be still open today t is unclear if the driver was hurt. and the roof of sky line stage at navy pier was blown off its frame due to the high wind gusts. no one was hurt, the theater is closed for the season. no one was inside at the time. a gun belonging to a would- be robber is being examined to see if it was involved in shootings along the indiana border. police want to know if the suspect who was killed was the
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honeybee gun shan. we're live outside of the salon in orland park. judy? >> reporter: we called the police and will county sheriff's police for a comment, they have not returned our calls. sources say there are several reasons why they believe there may be a link. the robber's vehicle here matches the description of the vehicle in the shooting that's a light blue truck and the gun is the same caliber. >> an attempted robbery on saturday night at this la tan may have given police their break. the customer says he will never forget the look in the robber's eyes. >> when he said i don't care about that. and the gun was focused on my chest. i'm a new daddy have to get home to my child.
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>> reporter: the suspect held up the salon at 156th and south 94th and ordered an employee to tie here hands and feet with rope. and the customer walked in and tried to talk to him. >> i said i have money i got my holiday bonus, i have a little girl at home. these are girls, let them go. we'll give you the money, leave. it was like i don't care about that. >> reporter: at one point the suspect set aside the gun, he grabbed it and killed him n october the honeybee shootings the man killed a construction worker and shot and wounded a farmer near lowell. he asked the victims about bees in both incidents. a police officer was arrested and the charges were dropped. >> the other people from what they say, they didn't have a chance. he killed them for no reason.
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so me, walking up on him in that situation, i'm surprised he did not kill me. >> tests will determine if the gun used in the attempted robbery is the weapon used in the shootings. another reason the police think it could be the gunman, the suspect here lived in rankin which is just south of beecher. in orland park. >> thank you. and next at midday, the first test of the president's party unity. the expected vote on the tax cut bill. what investigators are learning about the suspect in a failed suicide bombing attempt in sweden. a popular game may have put your identity at risk. [ male announcer ] millions of men 45 and older
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just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t. c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more.
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a judge has declared the administration's health care reform law unconstitutional. and the rules is in a lawsuit filed by the attorney-general challenging the requirement that citizens buy health insurance or pay a penalty. the law has been upheld by two other judges in virginia and michigan. another lawsuits are spending. the u.s. supreme court will have the final word. >> and voting on the extension of the bush era tax cuts. the president had trouble fetting backing because it offers cuts for the wealthy. but it has democratic support. the president's advisors say it will pass because lawmakers do not want taxes to rise. >> if you let them expire, they will in 20 days if we do
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nothing, that's a blow to the economy. everyone agrees on that. >> the deal includes an extension of benefits and a temporary cut in social security taxes. the vote is only a test vote. suicide bomber who blew himself up in sweden on saturday sent an e-mail threat referring to jihad before his death. a prosecutor identifys the bomber as a 28-year-old swedish citizen who lived in britain for ten years. he was carrying three sets of bombs and the prosecutor said the explosives probably detonated by mistake before he reached his final destination. he was unknown to the swedish security police before the explosion. a hostage standoff is over in france where a class of children and teacher have been released. they were taken hostage in a by a 17-year-old who had swords. after negotiations police
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slipped into the school and free the chirp and take the teen into custody. the hostage taker was gentle with the children and let several go to join their parents outside. >> suicide bomber kills six troops in afghanistan. nato said they were killed yesterday when an insurgent attacked the nato of a fan base. the explosion killed two soldiers, a child and wounded six others. the names of the soldiers have not been released. forces have arrested several people who may be connected to the attack. richard holbrooke is recovering from surgery. he is the president's special envoy for the war in afghanistan. he underwent a procedure to fix a tear in his aorta. doctors operated to improve his circulation. he has been in critical condition and his recovery time will be lengthy. since falling hill, he has
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received phone calls from world leaders, including the presidents of afghanistan and pakistan. and his extraordinary bravery in battle earned him the highest award. sal have tore giunta was the first living soldier from the wars to receive the medal of honor. we were honored to have him on the morning us in. >> you say above and beyond the call of duty, every person that i have served with in afghanistan for the 27 months, two tours i did there, they put their life in danger daily. i think that part of me wearing this is wearing it for them. >> staff sergeant giunta is amazed at the bravery of the armed forces. after being honored at the bears game yesterday, the president is putting the award on him there, he was proud to see the american people rally around service members. tonight he will be saluted at
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the blackhawks game. the question whether rahm emanuel is able to run for mayor of chicago is being taken up at the board of elections in chicago today. >> and muriel clair joins us with the latest in this one. politics, politics... >> the former white house chief of staff is taking a hands on approach in the battle. this morning his attorney went before the board of elections to clear up some housekeeping matters including the suggestion that his wife may be subpoenaed to testify. >> we have to protect our case and there are some documents we have to discuss whether they are relevant without -- it's not our intent to call her. and our case is the same as it was now but the filing of the documents is probably stronger. >> at a hearing where those wanting to knock rahm emanuel off the ballot will be sounding off, he is expected to make his case. he will be fending off
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challenges that he is not elfiable to run because he has not opinion a resident for a year. he lives in washington working for the president, returning to chicago in october to run for mayor after mayor daley said he would not seek re-election. now rahm emanuel has maintained his residency should not be as issue. while working at the white house he owned his home here, paid property taxes and voted here. more than a dozen candidates are vying to replace daley, including danny davis, former senator carol moseley-braun, gary chico and james meeks. >> the fight to keep him off the ballot has garnered a lot of attention in the race. when he goes before the board commission tomorrow, he could face hours of questioning. muriel clair, wgn.
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>> thank you for that. coming up what a lawmaker is suggesting to get to you pay up for past purchases. a big change coming to school lunches, what kids will not see as part of a bill signed by the president today. later, we have some elegant alternatives to the standard holiday fare.
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thank you for calling usa pmy name peggy. peggy, yes, i'd like to redeem my reward points for a gift card. tell points please? 250,000. calculating... ooh! answer: five fifty! 550 bucks?! 5 dollar, 50 cents. minus redeeming charge. leaving 50 cents. say what? happy time! what kind of program is this? want better rewards? switch to discover. america's number 1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover.
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the droid 2 global. run a universe of free apps on the world's fastest mobile phone processor. the droid pro. a fortress for data, a global office as mobile as you. now get a droid 2 global by motorola for $199.99 and get any phone free. the governor will shut down the put illinois to work program. he has funneled state taxpayer money to the temporary jobs program. and the investment has led to full-time work for less than 10% of the people taking part. he will focus on passing legislation to provide incentives for businesses.
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and shoppers may be paying taxes for online purchases a state law will try to make up lost revenue on past purchases. it could go back to june of 2004. starting january 1 through the 15th. officials will let you pay the sales taxes that you owe without a penalty. do you think the state should tax online past purchases? and going back years ago 98% of you said no. and we're live in chicago. the number of homeowners under water on their homes, mortgages that are worth more than the value of the home. that is falling. that's according to core logic. the us in may sound good the reality is that a surge in foreclosures is removing the troubled mortgages from the stats rather than a rise in property values. for those of you hitting
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mcdonalds for break fast and want something healthy, maple flavored oatmeal will be available at the 14,000 restaurants by the end of the week. over at apple, and the ipads are can balanceising sales of the iphone. the first quarter production is now at 16.1 million units, that's down 4%. and lastly, some say it is the most wonderful time of the year but today for federal express, it is the busiest in the history. it is picking up and delivering 16 million shipments around the world. that's a 13% jump from last year's busiest day and double the volume on an average day. since it is seen as an economic barometer pause it ships for
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consumers and businesses, it is a good sign for the economy. right now on wall street we're seeing stocks gaining following the decision to not raise its interest rates there. that's boosting markets today. back to you. they say personality goes a long way, that's true if you ride the cta. >> a driver can make a difference in the quality of the commute. here with an example is the transportation reporter, tell us about this driver that you like so much. >> reporter: her name is darlene coleman. she is just so enthusiastic and energetic. and puts everything in the service. she is carrying people.
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>> how did you meet her? >> i ride the cta and i encountered her on the 121 union station route t is challenging because it goes on lower wacker. construction and then contend with the traffic and it is amazing how she gets people safely to union station. >> they are trying to make a train. if they nis, it could be another half hour or hour. >> you can tell by the picture she has a personality, the hair and nails. she means to look good driving that bus. her enthusiasm that you witnessed that's not -- you have seen her? >> i have encountered her. she is always the same greeting every passenger. she uses the microphone but well timed occasions like when the bus is rounding the bend. hold on this is the cta roller
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coaster. humor goes a long way. >> you did not write a puff piece the quality underscores that service is not that good, there are some drivers that are not that good. >> i talked about a driver who passed me and others on the 151 route and looked the some numbers. and rude drivers. a lot of drivers have work to do to get up to darlene's level. >> i tell you what. there is no question that driving a bus is difficult and all the drivers out there trying to make it work. and we salute them. >> that's tough. >> thank you for drawing attention to the bus driver in chicago and set the standards
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for her colleagues. >> you can red more in the tribune or go online. next, you are looking to lose bathe? it's all in your head. >> the weather outside was frightful and so was the bears game. the loss to the patriots ahead. >> you can watch us every midday. i'm looking to save in insurance. don't want to deal with a lot of flibbity-flab or mumbo-jumbo. sounds like you need to name your price. no gobbledy-gook? never. do i still get all the dagnabbit coverage i need? sure. we give you a quote and you can adjust your price up and down to find something that works for you. ♪ this thing is okey-mcsmokey skiddly-doo. great! i think.
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until i look at the gumline. the problem is, you could have plaque along your gumline that can lead to gingivitis. in fact, one in two adults actually has gingivitis and might not even know it. that's why i recommend new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. and it's been clinically proven to help reverse it... in just four weeks. it also protects these other areas dentists check most. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. for healthier gums. people who played the monoply game at mcdonalds may be at risk for scams. a database has been hacked.
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they signed up for promotions. and it warns that this could make customers vulnerable to scams and identity theft threats. >> the president signed the healthy hunger free kids bill this morning. the bill aims to provide chirp from families in need with meals. and the meals will be provided during lunch hours and after school. reimbursement will increase by 6-cent as meal. the usta will set guidelines for foods served in cafeteria and wending machines. the bill will cost $4.5 billion. breast cancer rates among pregnant women is on the rise. and women received therapy and
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other treatments. researchers say no matter the treatment the cans of birth defects were higher. and. are you ready to try a new diet? how with this one. the imagination diet, you know thinking about a food increases the ap tide. but researchers say that imagining eating, chewing a food could make you eat less of it. >> they say imaginary eating works because it triggered habituation, that makes the tenth bite not taste as good as the first. stay with us. tom has the cold forecast. (vet) i love working with animals, but my allergies put me in a fog. so now, i'm claritin clear! claritin works great on all my allergies
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like dust, mold, pollen, or pets without making me drowsy, cause i want to be alert around this big guy. live claritin clear. indoors and out.
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bears play yesterday may have been as sloppy as the soldier field turf. tom brady showed why he is an mvp candidate. carving up the defense for 369 passing yards. and he capped the first half punishment with a 599-yard strike to deon branch giving the lead. bears turned the ball over four times which included two interceptions. >> we were beaten by a good team; they dominated us. we had a good practice, felt like we were ready to go. sometimes it happens. we have to learn from this. you have to be ready and we were ready but tough play your
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best ball. we did too many things wrong. you cannot do that. >> the bears are atop of their division. more on that and the bears next opponent were scheduled to play. here is why. snow piled up on the domed stadium. this was caught on the camera after an roof caved in. the question now is, were the vinings -- vikings and bears game will be played. the problem will be fixed before the game. they are still in first place. yesterday packers versus the lions into the first and rogers knocked out of the game. second of the season. packers up 3-0 gets a screen
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and delivers the win since october of 2007. 7-3 is the final. packers 8-5; bears 9-4. that's sports. the forecast is next.
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well, northwest indiana, buried under snow and tom buried with a lot of work. a busy weekend t is something it -- it is something in indiana and michigan.
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it is amazing that we did not get the accumulations as predicted. we had ground blizzard conditions. there was an accident out by dekalb and that was repeated across the area. we have pictures of some of the storms. and a terrorist that buryed a car right here as he was driving through the western suburbs. and snow was piled up against a truck in indiana. and some cars in the snow drifts that have piled up over in indiana t is just amazing. 21 inches of snow up in the twin cities that collapsed the metrodome and then we had the snows in the lake snow belts.
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we managed to be right in between here. we had flurries blowing through. these will not amount to much. the story here is the cold weather. you get the high reflecktivety snow -- reflecktive pack and you do not warm up. so, the big story here is cold. you know what, i forgot my clicker. i have the wrong button. we have the cold weather coming in. that's going to be with us for a while. let's go to the forecast for this afternoon and we'll check this out and get you the graphics. we expect the temperatures only to get up into the teens. and lows tonight will be going down to single digits even below zero. it is going to be cloudy and snowy over in the snow belt
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i'll have the graphics. highs 11 to 17. northwest winds are up there, 14 to 28 and gusty. we had 66-mile per hour winds. and the snows in the area. gusts at 47 miles an hour at o'hare and midway airport up to 60-mile per hour gusts t was a wild day to say the least. 2.7 inches at midway. we'll show new a bit, 17.5 down in parts of the snow belt. we'll give you a run down on the numbers as well. we have it. all right. and we have it here. guys, here we go, the cold weather. there you go. thank you, audio bob.
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cold weather expected with the michigan lake snow to continue. 17.5 inches down in the hard hit areas. berrien county, whiteout conditions. and it will continue into tuesday. here it is, it comes in bands it goes to zero, zero t is a mess. that's why the warnings are out and berrien county and st. joseph the county where south bend is located. we have warnings and frost and freeze advisories down into florida. so, the wide distribution. there is the banding. there you see la porte, porter county. we have been brushed by snows here but it is sunny. it is cold. our model is keeping it in the
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area. there is michigan city, valparaiso. right here, the in-house model kicks out 20 inches and parts of the area between cities and not far from south bend. that's because of the winds. they are blowing strongly. the winds let up and the colors disappear that means they are letting up. we expect the lake snows they will not be as heavy. we'll get out of this pattern. the forecast is for acouple eye laces to be sizable. and the snow. we're driving around the south end of the lake. there will be trouble. michigan city has 14 inches. and southeast and 17 and a half inchs there. la porte under a 1 # .5 and 9.5. the cold air another story reaching down to florida where
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it is 49 in tampa. and the cold air extends north into the arctic. there is plenty more where that came from. we have a blocking pattern that holds it over north america. this system will run along the south side and dive into the planes and bring us snow by wednesday night, thursday. it looks like a moderate intensity situation. 11 degrees colder than 24 hours ago. the warmth to the west never getting in here and there you have the northwest winds at 17 miles an hour. let's check the rest of the forecast and frigid. and more lake snow, lows from 8 in the loop to minus 2 at o'hare. the coldest areas could get down to, oh, the neighborhood of 8 below. 6 to 8 below.
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sunny and cold. and out at 23 t is cold and -- it is cold and snow at night. winds 59 to 14 miles per hour. there you have it. quite a day. >> thank you. the trivia question. if you know the answer in 1931, which woman was the recipient of the nobel pays prize, the first american to receive the -- noble peace prize, the first american to receive it. the answer ahead.
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it is a great place to have the kids burn energy and it is inside. >> and we go to navy pier's winter wonder fest. >> reporter: i love my wonder fest inside. yes, we love snow and making the snowmen but i like it warm like at navy pier. >> good morning. >> it looks beautiful. we have the carosel going?
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>> yes. we have done a different plan, we're excited about the attractions. >> we're excited about this being the 10th anniversary celebration. >> ten years. we have a discount at our restaurants, we have parking discounts. that's our gift to the families. >> if you want to come here and look around, look at the decorations, and the things that you have that's free. if they want to hit the ride that's when it starts adding up. >> they can do that. and slides and video games. and the indoor ferris wheel and take a ride. >> and rain ride. >> and this is cute. >> it is so wonderful. to be the holiday season, you have a rink. >> and it is wonderful. if you want to come and build
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the warmth you can come. >> and and santa arrives. >> then a lot of other stars that visit you never know who is going to come. you never know who will be here. >> it is a pleasure being here. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> and happy holiday. they should be in school? >> they are having fun. >> our lunch break is next. >> it's not about turkey any more. spicing up entertaining with a tips from the butcher next.
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[ male announcer ] little oliver had a fog horn nose. it shattered his tissue with hurricane blows. no person or place was safe from the spray. but his mom had new puffs ultra soft & strong to save the day. with lotion-free pillows to cushion the force. puffs holds up better than value tissue of course. next time oliver blew his horn, he reached for puffs ultra soft & strong. a nose in need deserves new puffs ultra soft & strong indeed. when you prefer a lotion tissue, try puffs plus lotion. whoa! that achy cold needs alka-seltzer plus! it rushes multiple cold fighters, plus a powerful pain reliever, wherever you need it! [ both ] ♪ oh what a relief it is!
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it is time for lunch break, we're looking at different options for the menu including smoked salmon and prime rib. welcome back to dave zier from prime meats. good to see you. >> great to see you. >> have things been good for you and the business and family? >> the phone is ringing off the hook. this is the time of year we have to make it happen. >> how do you make it happen. >> you have everything we can think of. >> these are a sample but the
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most popular that we have at the store. this is a prime. that's the king of the meal. >> like you cannot get this at the store. >> you cannot get this. this is usd. a prime peeve. there are a couple of grades, choice and select. this is something we captured. we can age this at the store. that make as difference. >> and the flavor. >> the flavor the tenderness. >> this what your family will have. >> if i had anything else there would be a mutiny. >> you sliced this i said steve i want two slices of that. >> i'll give you 3. >> this is the beef tenderloin this is the most popular.
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we sell hundreds of these, we have it down as far as cooking instructions, we'll tell what you to do. >> that's the other thing, when you come and get the meat you know, you will get instructions and help; we learn how to do that. and. >> through trial and error. >> lamb. >> these are more delicate. and wonderful. you can serve them or make a crown. >> yes. >> the big brother of the crown. >> what is that in the corner? >> that's an option if you don't know -- cannot carve a rib roast it is a boneless rib eye. you can slice it thin t cooks faster. >> we have a stuffed cornish hen. >> a lot of people like that. for new year that's the number one thing people fix it is a
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small meal, they're easy to fix you have stuffing. the only bones are the little leg bones. >> i didn't know that. let's go back down to your recipe and see about this. >> we make a smoked salmon spread and we have here an atlantic. we smoke it at the store. tough be very -- it is popular and we ended up having -- we decided let's make it. >> it was good. >> it looks easy. >> super easy. >> these are the only ingredients, salmon. we add onion and celery. you add that. >> that's mayo? >> yes. this is real mayo. >> please not the low fat. go for the real. >> mix that up.
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in the interest of time we use a machine or our hands. >> that is dill. >> sprink believe that in i'll tell you when. what you see, i should have brought more mayo. this is the finished product. >> i tasted it t is good. >> more dill for color. >> that's a great appetizer. >> that is. >> we're not allowed to go to a party unless we bring that. that's why we get invited to a lot of parties. >> i can assure you it is not just that but all of this. that's why you will be invited back to hang out with us. >> check it out. zier's prime meats, ridge road. i snow you have been there of the visit them and pick up
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something delicious. for information on the recipe check out our web site at we'll have the recipe there for you. xñúñ
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we'll start with our trivia question. the first woman to receive the prize? >> and it is b. >> chicago's very own. >> tom, i hope you have good us in, warmth? >> the sun is out there, the winds will let up tomorrow, it will still be cold. you know what was interesting, the it was cold the length of the lake and the level here on the south end of the lake came up 2.6 feet. that's why that water was able to get on to lake shore. more lake snow and we're seeing you there. it will be heavy. the cold weather is something t will be reinforced by another
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surge. look how expensetive is t comes off the snow pack. and clouds out west. that's the next snow system but it is a couple of days away. in the area now the winds are north and northwest. the water temperature at 33 now. here is what is ahead. the storm that went through the weekend and propelled the winds into the area with the force that we had blowing and drifting and that continues. that is going east ward and the winds will let up. the lake snows will out to the east of us and in the indiana and michigan. look at the low pressure. that's overrunning snow. we'll be monitoring that. the jet stream, it is blowing from the northwest. that keeps the chilly air
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coming into the area. there are the isobars. see how they loosen up. that's why the winds will die. the web of pressure to the south of us t will go through oklahoma and texas. another cold high pressure comes in. that will keep the chilly air coming into the area. here is the broader look. you can see the system, that streak is showing up. we have a 15 tomorrow after a high today in the teens. lows drop down to mimous 6. but 8 in the loop and about zero to 2 below at o'hare. clouds over during the day. up to 25. then moderately colder later if the week. >> a little relief. >> a little. >> see you la


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